Materials. Daryl uses high quality, acid free materials, including archival quality adhesives to insure long-term integrity of each of her pieces. Although not shown framed, all of Daryl's works are framed under conservation glass, in custom woods that accent each piece. The framing is shadow-box style, in order to accommodate the depth of the piece.

Technique.  Daryl's journey from idea to finished product begins with a theme, such as nature, sea life, music, or even casino gambling. She then sketches a few different layouts to flesh out the concept. After drawing the final design, she may then develop a prototype. During this phase, she experiments with the shaping of paper, as well as different color combinations (if it is a color piece). The final piece is then constructed, requiring only minor adjustments. 

          Ace High - Queen Detail


Finished Piece










Feeding Time










Custom Paper Sculptures        


                           by Daryl J Ashton
